AHRIC Captive Insurance | Benefits and Insurance Services

AHRIC — A Captive Solution Managed by CBIZ

Our Story

In 2008, a group of not-for-profits came together to create a solution that would help them better manage health care costs. Having endured years of minimal price transparency, eroding benefits and reduced planning capabilities due to unexpected cost increases, they decided it was time to take control and make a change.

After a decade of success operating as a consortium, these not-for-profits wanted to do more to contain the unsustainable rise in health care costs and preserve the affordability and quality of benefits for likeminded organizations. They founded AHRIC, a group health care captive created specifically for Arizona not-for-profits. AHRIC brings together organizations with a shared vision for serving others and allows not-for-profits to focus on what matters most — caring for their employees, expanding their programs and fulfilling their missions.

Curating a Best-in-Class Experience

By granting the power of choice, AHRIC turns not-for-profits into premier health care purchasers. As a member of the AHRIC family, you’ll gain access to top-tier benefits, best-in-class programs and services tailored to your workforce, increased pricing stability, and added transparency to allow for effective annual planning.

AHRIC not-for-profits are aligned in their goals to support their communities and each other. Because of this, each member of the captive shares in the associated risks, reaps the resulting rewards and receives protection from its counterparts.

This self-insurance captive has helped countless organizations better pursue their missions while securing them millions of dollars in savings and creating an overall downward cost trend of -2.5% since its inception in 2015.

Managed by CBIZ Employee Benefits

AHRIC’s mission is to serve as a long-term reciprocal captive that supports the goals of not-for-profits and the contributions they make to improve the lives of Arizona communities. To further that mission, AHRIC has partnered with CBIZ Employee Benefits. CBIZ experts across Arizona handle the heavy lifting of managing vendors and ensuring plan compliance so AHRIC not-for-profits can continue to do what they do best — make a difference.

Dave Madden

Benefits and Insurance Consultant

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