July 2024 Monthly Market Update | On The Margin

July’s global market movements looked and felt like a ride on a world-class roller coaster, filled with highs, lows, twists, and turns. Amid the eventfulness of the month, both global equities and fixed income generated mostly positive returns.

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    July 2024 Recap | On The Marginhttps://www.cbiz.com/Portals/0/Images/CBIZ Header-1.jpg?ver=4sa8ZYDtE7VnZvxAO_-1jA%3d%3dhttps://www.cbiz.com/Portals/0/Images/July 2024 OTM Monthly Market Update.jpg?ver=QdBwlbnV7dqQGlNZu3eqHw%3d%3dJuly’s global market movements looked and felt like a ride on a world-class roller coaster, filled with highs, lows, twists, and turns. Amid the eventfulness of the month, both global equities and fixed income generated mostly positive returns.2024-08-01T16:00:00-05:00July’s global market movements looked and felt like a ride on a world-class roller coaster, filled with highs, lows, twists, and turns. Amid the eventfulness of the month, both global equities and fixed income generated mostly positive returns.NoneAccelerated RecoveryNo