CBIZ continues to be focused on monitoring the Health Care Reform implementation in Congress, the Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Labor, and the Internal Revenue Service, among others. We analyze the reactions of industry, research organizations and foundations, and evaluate the potential ramifications. Then we objectively inform our clients of the impact of the specific regulations on their business, while partnering with them to develop the best strategy for their business going forward.
We have created several specialized tools and resources that will aid both CBIZ consultants and our clients in making informed decisions about employee benefits strategy in the coming years. Some of those tools and resources include:
• HCR Analyzer
• Small Business Tax Credit Calculator
• Health Reform Bulletins
• Health Reform Matrix
• Grandfathered Plan Chart & Checklist
• Grandfathered Plan Allowable Increase Calculator
• The Decision Tree for MLR Rebates for Fully Insured Health Plans
• White papers, articles and presentations on Health Care Reform
CBIZ will continue to monitor and evaluate developments, and communicate with our colleagues and clients as the Health Care Reform road unwinds in the years to come.
Download Our CBIZ HCR Tools and Resource s Brochure