Tips to Prepare Your Commercial Property for Winter Weather

Safeguard Your Commercial Property Against Winter’s Wrath | Property & Casualty

As the autumn leaves fall, it’s time to prepare your commercial building for winter. Mother Nature can be unpredictable, so why leave the fate of your property against the harsh season to chance? Fortunately, routine inspections and minor enhancements can drastically reduce the chances of costly insurance claims. Don’t let winter catch you off guard, follow our expert advice to safeguard your commercial property. 

Essential Winter Property Protection Measures

Defend Your Plumbing Against Freeze  

Don’t let burst pipes dampen your winter. These common culprits of winter property damage can lead to water damage, mold growth and costly repairs. Take proactive measures to prevent expensive claims:

  • Invest in a reliable freeze-prevention monitoring system that alerts when temperatures plummet dangerously low.
  • Swiftly seal any structural holes, cracks or openings to keep cold air out.
  • Insulate your plumbing to prevent frozen pipes and remember to shut off exterior faucets.
  • Hire a licensed fire-protection company to ensure your sprinkler system is functioning properly. 

    Eliminate Ice & Snow Hazards

    Don’t let the parking lot and sidewalks become treacherous. Hire a reliable contractor for snow removal and assign a maintenance employee to assess your property for timely snow and ice removal. They can also evaluate when conditions are safe for staff and customers.

    Can your building withstand heavy snowfall? Don’t wait for roof damage, schedule a consultation with a structural engineer to determine your roof’s snow threshold. This invaluable information will allow you to gauge the risk of snow weight causing damage. Consider hiring a professional snow removal contractor who can lighten the load and prevent snow-related accidents.

    Prior to the onset of winter, take the time to examine your parking lot for any signs of cracks or potholes. Addressing these problems swiftly can help mitigate further damage caused by the freezing and thawing of winter. This proactive measure can help you avoid more significant and expensive repairs come spring.

    Exposures From Guttering

    Inspect your gutters and drains for signs of damage. Ensure they’re securely attached to the building and free from debris. Accumulated snow and ice on the roof can lead to freezing and cause roof problems that might damage your interior. Additionally, check your gutters and downspouts for water backup concerns.

    Power up With Alternative Energy Solutions

    When the elements wreak havoc on your business, a swift recovery is crucial. Generators can effectively support your business’ quick recovery from a snow or ice storm and mitigate the impact of power outages. They can also keep building temperatures above freezing to prevent burst pipes. Invest in a backup generator to ensure your business stays up and running. If your building has a permanent generator, ensure a qualified professional routinely provides upkeep. Portable generators should be stored in dry environments and undergo routine testing to verify the unit operates properly.

    Don’t Overlook Landscaping

    Inspect all vegetation near your building and prune any overgrown bushes or trees. Those icy, snow-filled branches can cause damage to your windows, roofing and overall structure. Prevent power outages and disruptions by trimming tree branches that are too close to power lines. Locate, drain and shut off your irrigation system to prevent any potential damage or leaks during the colder months.

    Prevent HVAC System Issues

    Taking care of your HVAC system is crucial to ensure optimal performance, especially when the temperatures drop. Schedule preventive maintenance to catch any issues before they become major headaches. Consider a service agreement with a licensed repair company that’s available for unexpected emergencies.

    Establish a Business Continuity Plan

    Prepare an employee communication strategy for extreme weather conditions. Make sure your staff is well-prepared and fully informed about business procedures for temperature drops or hazardous road conditions. Your plan should cover all the bases, from snow and ice removal to interior precautionary measures (e.g., non-slip mats) to prevent accidents. Regularly review and reinforce the plan to ensure employees are confident in their roles. 

    Optimize Your Insurance Coverage

    Are you maximizing your insurance coverage? Partner with your insurance broker to thoroughly review your policies and gain a clear understanding of what’s covered and excluded. Your broker can also provide valuable risk mitigation strategies that can help reduce your exposures. Maintain a comprehensive and regularly updated inventory of your assets in the event you need to file a winter-weather claim.

    As you assess your insurance policy, it's crucial to focus on coverages tailored for winter. Be sure to understand how your policy deals with situations such as damage from ice dams, interruptions in business due to harsh weather, and liability for slip-and-fall incidents on your premises. Evaluate if you require extra coverage for these seasonal hazards. Consulting with your insurance broker can help you pinpoint any shortcomings in your existing coverage and recommend necessary enhancements to provide thorough protection during the winter season.

    Invest in Winter Property Protection Improvement Projects

    Colder temperatures introduce a host of risks that can wreak havoc on your property. Fortunately, improvement projects can safeguard your building including:

    Upgrade Your Internal Systems 

    Stay one step ahead of costly damages with these game-changing enhancements to your commercial properties

    • Implement an innovative monitoring system that instantly alerts when building temperatures drop below a predetermined minimum
    • Install an automatic excess flow valve on the main, incoming domestic water line, equipped to detect and report broken pipes or valves at an early stage.
    • Utilize wireless sensors to identify leaks near water sources (e.g., water tanks, commercial appliances)
    • Employ UL-approved gas or electric heaters to warm rooms housing sprinkler control valves and fire pumps
    • Fortify valuable computer equipment with surge protectors to prevent potential electrical damage.
    • Use snow guards or snow cleats to prevent snow from sliding on a steep slope roof.
    • Invest in high-quality self-regulating heating cables. 
    • Apply a moisture barrier to the roof deck along the eaves to prevent water intrusion caused by ice dams. 

    Consider Window & Door Replacement

    Upgrade your windows for optimal efficiency and year-round comfort. Replace outdated single-pane windows with double- or triple-pane windows that boost thermal resistance (R-value) and thermal break. A higher R-value indicates better performance in resisting heat transfer. Integrating a thermal break, insulation built within the window frame decreases thermal transfer. Upgrade your exterior and roll-up doors to maximize their R-value. Don’t wait for water damage, replace any windows or doors showing signs of age.

    Enhance Your Roof's Resliance — Prevent Ice Dams 

    Winter weather can wreak havoc on the integrity of your roof and lead to tremendous structural damage. Safeguard your commercial building’s roof by implementing these upgrades and preventive features:

    • Install snow guards or snow cleats to prevent the movement of snow on steeply sloped roofs.
    • Control ice formation with premium self-regulating heating cables that maintain optimal temperatures.
    • Integrate a moisture barrier along the eaves of the roof deck, preventing water infiltration caused by ice dams.

    We’re Here to Help Protect Against Winter Weather Hazards

    Don’t let the challenges of ice, snow and cold conditions catch you off guard. Now is the ideal time to take necessary measures to safeguard your commercial property and its occupants Connect with a member of our team  for additional risk mitigation strategies and explore the various commercial property insurance coverage options available. Let’s keep your property safe and sound together. 

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    Safeguard Your Commercial Property Against Winter’s Wrath | Property & Casualty your commercial property ready for winter's challenges with essential tips to protect your investments. Secure your property against the harshest season2024-10-21T17:00:00-05:00Get your commercial property ready for winter's challenges with essential tips to protect your investments. Secure your property against the harshest season.Risk MitigationReal EstateProperty & Casualty InsuranceYes