5 Tips for Closing Candidates with Multiple Job Offers

5 Tips for Closing Candidates with Multiple Job Offers

Closing candidates who are considering other offers can be difficult. This article explores tips to close offers in a competitive job market.

1. Shorten the hiring process.

A prolonged hiring process can hurt your chances of closing candidates. The longer a candidate waits to hear from you, the more time they have to explore other options. There are often many employees involved in the hiring process, so consider ways to make the process more efficient from the very beginning.

2. Listen to what they want.

You’ve likely already gotten an understanding of the candidate’s decision-making process. Now it’s important to remain curious. Check in with the candidate to ask additional questions regarding how they’ll make a final decision and what would hold them back from accepting your job offer.

3. Make the offer as soon as you know.

Once the hiring team has made the final decision, call the candidate right away to extend the formal offer. Give them a little time to consider the offer by providing a deadline for a response.

4. Consider the big picture.

Any company can increase the salary offer, so make your employment pitch about other advantages, such as career pathing, remote work opportunities and any unique benefits you offer. It’s important to tailor these to align with the candidate’s personal goals and interests.

5. Know what you're up against.

If possible, get the details of the other offer(s), including salary, benefits and the reasons why they like or dislike the offer(s). It’s important not to grill the candidate, so respectfully and tactfully ask them.

Other Considerations for Closing Candidates with Multiple Job Offers

If candidates don’t seem excited to join your team after initial screening conversations, they likely are not the right fit for the role or may quickly move on when a better offer comes along. And unfortunately, that leads you back to square one. Invest your time and energy into candidates who are enthused about the opportunity.

Effective closing is about helping the candidate clearly see which path is right for them and removing obstacles from that path. You’re making an offer because the opportunity is the best possible fit for both the candidate and the organization. Closing techniques help you make them see that.

No matter the situation, it’s important to treat candidates fairly, be responsive and be direct about why you want them to work for your organization. People want to work at a company where they will be valued and have a meaningful sense of purpose in their work.

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5 Tips for Closing Candidates with Multiple Job Offershttps://www.cbiz.com/Portals/0/defaultImages/IP-Advisory-CreditRiskServices-AssetBasedLending.jpg?ver=2020-11-20-151243-437https://www.cbiz.com/Portals/0/defaultImages/IP-Advisory-CreditRiskServices-AssetBasedLending.jpg?ver=2020-11-20-151243-437Closing candidates who are considering other offers can be difficult. This article explores 5 tips for closing offers in a competitive job market.2021-06-30T17:00:00-05:00

Closing candidates who are considering other offers can be difficult. This article explores tips to close offers in a competitive job market.

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