Companies working on federal contracts subject to the Service Contract Act must comply with a unique set of regulations related to the payment of mandatory hourly fringe benefits. Traditional corporate benefit plans are simply not designed to align with hourly fringe rates but rather monthly premiums. Failure to comply with SCA fringe benefit regulations can have significant adverse consequences.
CBIZ’s Government Contracting Practice is here to help.
CBIZ’s Government Contracting Practice (CBIZ GCP) was created in direct response to the unique benefit needs of CBIZ’s government contracting clients who are subject to the prevailing wage benefit provisions of the Service Contact Act (SCA) and Davis-Bacon Act.
CBIZ GCP understands the complexity of delivering and administering employee benefit programs compliant with these regulations. Our role is to manage the complexity of the regulations while delivering a comprehensive package of benefits to your company’s SCA workforce.
Our Services & Solutions
At CBIZ Government Contracting Practice, we approach each engagement from a simple philosophy — as a government contractor, your benefit issues are unique and more challenging than those experienced in the usual commercial market. As such, the benefit solutions you adopt need to be designed to meet the challenges your industry faces.
The services we provide consider those unique challenges, resulting in benefit strategies, programs, and administration tailored to the needs of your various government contracts.