CBIZ Small Business Employment Index Sees Hiring Pick Up Notably in April

CBIZ Small Business Employment Index Sees Hiring Pick Up Notably in April

The CBIZ Small Business Employment Index (SBEI), which tracks hiring trends among thousands of companies across the U.S. with 300 or fewer employees, reported a sizable increase in hiring in April, with a seasonally adjusted reading of 3.57%. The surge in the reading flags that small businesses are strengthening their employment levels and operating in greater capacity due to economic reopening. 

Overall, 26% of companies increased their employee counts, 55% did not augment staffing and 19% decreased employee totals. Among industries in the index, increases in Construction and Agriculture mirrored seasonal trends. Transportation, Arts and Entertainment, and Accommodation and Food Services also had positive growth, but Real Estate and Utilities experienced declines. 

At a regional level, the Northeast (5.94%), West (3.97%), Central (3.3%) and Southeast (2.5%) U.S. saw increases in hiring. The data supports economic reopening as the driving factor. This is the third consecutive month where the four major regions all amplified hiring.


Phil Noftsinger is Executive Vice President, CBIZ Inc.

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CBIZ Small Business Employment Index Sees Hiring Pick Up Notably in Aprilhttps://www.cbiz.com/Portals/0/Gregory FCA/CBIZ-SBEI-DECEMBER-2020-header.jpg?ver=2021-01-07-200711-510Phil Noftsinger, Executive Vice President, CBIZ, Inc., discusses the CBIZ Small Business Employment Index’s April reading, which showed hiring increases in all regions of the U.S.2021-05-06T16:00:00-05:00Phil Noftsinger, Executive Vice President, CBIZ, Inc., discusses the CBIZ Small Business Employment Index’s April reading, which showed hiring increases in all regions of the U.S.NoneNo