State of the Art Benefit Administration Technology
The cornerstone of our service offerings is CBIZEnroll. CBIZEnroll is a cloud-based technology platform which integrates the knowledge of benefit professionals, information systems specialists and Service Contract Act (SCA) and the Davis Bacon Act (DBA) experts. Developed first in 1998 to manage the complex benefit requirements of the JBOSC contract at Kennedy Space Center, CBIZEnroll was designed specifically for government contractors to administer all aspects of prevailing wage benefits — from enrollment and eligibility administration to premium administration and hourly fringe benefit compliance.
CBIZEnroll is supported by an in-house team of full-time software developers and is constantly being upgraded and enhanced to provide our government contracting clients with cutting edge technology and administrative services.
CBIZEnroll Overview
CBIZEnroll is the technology foundation for our government contracting benefit services. It is a web-based system that provides “best of industry” administration capabilities, including the ability to track and administer the hourly H&W requirements under the Service Contract Act and Davis-Bacon Act. The following are the core features and capabilities of CBIZEnroll:
Online Enrollment & Eligibility Administration
- Comprehensive employee benefits website customized for each client
- Complete master library of communication materials such as plan summaries, frequently asked questions, newsletters, forms and summary plan descriptions. HR staff can access the entire library. Employee access is limited to those communication materials specific to their benefit plans
- HR/benefit staff access to administrative portal for employee lookup and reporting features
- Electronic eligibility file feeds to all carriers
- Electronic feeds to client’s HRIS and payroll
- Regular dependent audits
- Qualifying event administration and management
Hourly SCA/DBA Benefit Accounting
- Maintains complete data on each employee’s benefit elections, including employer and employee cost
- Tracks all hours worked or paid, and the associated hourly fringe benefit cost for each employee
- Allows for flexible benefit design and cafeteria approach, permitting employees to waive certain benefits in favor of others, or buy up through payroll deductions
- Provides deficit account balance reporting for any employee whose hours are insufficient to cover benefit cost for a given period, or banking of excess hours for use in future periods
- Provides employees with quarterly statements detailing fringe benefit reconciliation of contributions and benefit premiums
- Provides meaningful management reports by contract job site, division, profit center, etc.
- Provides complete audit trail for DOL Wage & Hour compliance for all contract types
Premium Administration - Billing Reconciliation & Consolidation
- Consolidated invoice for all health & welfare benefits
- Automated reconciliation of all carrier list bills to current data, avoiding costly overpayments to carriers
- Automated generation of life insurance self bills with fully auditable backup data
- Customizable management reporting on benefit costs by location, profit center, etc.
COBRA/HIPAA Administration
- Mailing of initial COBRA and HIPAA notices
- Mailing of COBRA notice to qualified beneficiaries
- COBRA election tracking
- COBRA premium tracking and administration
- HIPAA Certificate mailing