The Employee Retention Tax Credit (ETRC) can be a valuable incentive for struggling businesses, but it can be challenging to apply for the credit and receive its full benefit. The eligibility rules are complicated and confusing, causing many potentially qualified business owners to shy away from navigating the process. Recent IRS guidance cleared up a number of ERTC questions that were largely resolved in favor of employers. If you don’t want to leave money on the table, it’s important to understand this tax credit’s hidden-in-the-details rules to maximize your benefit.
Our webinar will focus on the specificities of the ERTC and will emphasize planning opportunities that result from IRS Notice 2021-49, so you can determine if your business qualifies to receive its maximum benefits.
Course Objectives
After completing this course you will be able to:
- Delineate between a “large employer” and a “small employer” for purposes of ERTC eligibility
- Describe how to count wages in the eligibility process
- List how gross receipts are measured
- Account for the recent shareholder exclusion modification
- Describe how to avoid contingency fees during the eligibility process
- Nate Smith, Director, National Tax Office
- Sean Haggerty, Director, Tax Advisory & Consulting,
- Steve Henley, Senior Managing Director, National Tax Office
note: CPE is not available for on-demand webinars