HCM Insights July 2023

HCM Insights July 2023

Labor Law Poster Compliance

Labor Law Poster

It is important for employers to continuously display up-to-date labor laws for their staff, even as laws may change frequently. This seemingly minor task is crucial for protecting both employees and businesses. To assist with this, we have compiled answers to commonly asked questions and provided helpful resources.

If you need assistance ensuring that your labor law postings are always compliant, CBIZ has the ideal solution.


Businesses to Face New E-file Requirements in 2024

Workers Comp

In the upcoming year, the Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service have put forth a new initiative requiring more businesses to electronically submit their ACA forms and other widely used tax forms, such as W-2 and 1099. Business owners must comprehend how these updated regulations will influence their operations. By staying informed and up-to-date on these changes, businesses can ensure compliance and avoid potential penalties or setbacks.


Preparing for Your Employee Benefits Renewal

Employee Benefits

Over the past few years, you may have implemented new renewal and open enrollment processes, ranging from virtual open enrollment webinars to electronically distributed communications. Before this year’s renewal, consider which of these processes would be beneficial to continue and which might need refining, adjusting, or updating.


OSHA Safety Tips for Summer Heat

construction worker

Each year hot and humid work conditions cause preventable employee fatalities and illnesses. In 2022, OSHA recognized heat safety as their National Emphasis Program to protect workers from indoor and outdoor heat-related hazards. It transitioned this emphasis to an annual Heat Illness Prevention campaign designed to prevent heat-related injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. We've compiled some oversight of the Heat Illness Prevention campaign and put together some recommendations to protect your workers.


Submit Updated Fiscal Unemployment Insurance Rates


If your business operates in New Jersey, New Hampshire, Tennessee, or Vermont, you should expect an update to your Fiscal Unemployment Insurance (UI) Rate. Upon receipt of your updated rate, it is critical that you forward that information to CBIZ.

Because some states have changed their process, we’ve compiled information about when and how you should expect to receive your rate information.

How you will receive updated Fiscal UI Rates

  • New Hampshire: Annual Tax Rate Determination Letters are scheduled to mail by September 1, 2023, for the period 7/1/2023 (Q3/2023) through 6/30/2024 (Q2/2024). 
  • Tennessee: Every quarter, approximately six weeks before each due date, employers will be mailed a letter reminding them of their filing obligation and the Premium Rate in effect for the quarter.
  • Vermont: Employer Rate Notices are mailed in mid-July and will indicate UI employer contribution rates for the 2023-2024 rate year (July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024).
  • New Jersey: Each year, at the end of July, you may view and print your rate notice using Employer Access. If you have already registered for Employer Access, they will email you as soon as your notice is available for download. Please be sure you are registered, and your agency contact information is current.

Where to Send Rate Information

Forward this information to the CBIZ Tax Department via email, fax, or regular mail.

Email - [email protected]

Fax - 540-343-5279

Mailing Address
2797 Frontage Road NW
Suite 2000
Roanoke, VA 24017


In Your State

Click on blue text for more details on state-specific updates

Colorado - Paid Sick Leave Amended

Oregon - Family Leave Act and Paid Leave Aligned

Vermont & Nevada - Enact State-Run Retirement Programs


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The information contained in this HCM Insights is not intended to be legal, accounting, or other professional advice, nor are these comments directed to specific situations. This information is provided as general guidance and may be affected by changes in law or regulation. This information is not intended to replace or substitute for accounting or other professional advice. You must consult your own attorney or tax advisor for assistance in specific situations. This information is provided as-is, with no warranties of any kind. CBIZ shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever in connection with its use and assumes no obligation to inform the reader of any changes in laws or other factors that could affect the information contained herein.