HCM Insights February 2021

HCM Insights February 2021

Welcome to the New CBIZ.com

We have a new website! It has been designed especially for you – to make it easier to find the insights, advice, services, and professionals relevant to your unique needs. 

We have a new, clean and contemporary design, which we think you will find not only pleasing to the eye but also easier to navigate. Plus, we have invested in new technology that allows you to conduct a more advanced search.

Ways You Can Filter Your Search

  • Category (business area)
  • Industry
  • Service need
  • Content-type (podcast, video, case study, etc.)
  • Date range

You will continue to find the same information you have come to expect from CBIZ and we are continually updating our site with information that will help you and your business succeed!

Visit CBIZ.com today to check out our new site and new content, including our Accelerated Recovery Resource Center which features additional resources and tools to help your organization as you plan for growth and transformation.


CBIZ Integrates with TurboTax® 


It’s tax time, and to make things easier for your employees, CBIZ offers integration with TurboTax®

Any employee who uses TurboTax®  may choose to have their W-2 information electronically imported and available from within the application. Using TurboTax®, your employees have the simple option of loading their tax data on the screen with a click of a button. CBIZ provides this service at no additional charge to ensure a seamless tax-filing experience for your employees.  


COVID-19 Updates

Unemployment Insurance Fraud

Unemployment Insurance Fraud

The COVID-19 pandemic and expanded Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits have led to an unprecedented number of individuals filing to receive UI benefits. State workforce agencies have had to work diligently to handle the influx of claims amid a rise in fraudulent activity. Proof of this fraudulent activity has shown up in mailboxes across the country, as individuals who did not claim unemployment benefits in 2020 have received form 1099-G, indicating they did receive unemployment compensation.

As an employer, you can proactively advocate for your employees’ well-being by educating them on the warning signs and share tips on how they can protect themselves.

What Employees Should Look For

  • Communications regarding UI (like the 1099-G) when they have not applied for unemployment benefits
  • Unauthorized transactions on bank or credit card statements related to unemployment benefits
  • Any fee transactions involved in filing or qualifying for UI
  • Unsolicited inquires related to unemployment benefits
  • Unauthentic websites or social media accounts mimicking government agencies

Actions Employees Can Take 

  • Contact the appropriate agency for their state
  • Request a corrected 1099-G that shows they did not receive unemployment benefits
  • If they cannot obtain a corrected 1099-G before filing taxes, they should only report the actual income received
  • They will need to request a corrected 1099-G showing zero unemployment benefits were received to avoid additional federal tax bills
To provide further assistance, we continue to update our CBIZ COVID-19 Resource Center,


Ways to Prepare for Daylight Saving Time 

Spring Forward

Daylight Saving Time begins March 14, 2021, which means it is almost time to move your clocks forward one hour. Fortunately, modern technology allows many of our devices, such as our cell phones, to update automatically. 

If your organization has a CBIZ Time and Labor Management solution, your time clocks should also automatically adjust to the time change. But there are still some additional steps you should consider when the time changes.

Review Employee Schedules

If you have third-shift employees, review their schedules. If those employees are normally scheduled eight hours, they may be working seven hours since clocks will be moved ahead one hour. If so, companies may want to adjust schedules accordingly. Do this as soon as possible to ensure employees aren’t caught off guard.

Establish A Policy or Standard

Determine how to handle employees with hours impacted by the beginning of daylight saving time. Whatever you decide, be consistent, so there are no surprises. 

Communicate Changes That Impact Employees

Remind employees about the time change and any related schedule changes. Alert them in advance if the beginning of daylight saving time will affect their work hours. Communicate these changes to employees. Not only should this reduce the number of questions you get regarding schedules, but it could also save you and your employees time and frustration.

Check Time Clocks

Check your time clocks to make sure that the time reflects Daylight Saving Time*.  Also, supervisors and managers should review punches to ensure each employee's time is properly recorded. (*Timesheets and time clocks through CBIZ's Time and Labor Management solutions automatically account for Daylight Saving Time, unless exceptions were requested upon implementation. If you have any questions about your time tracking solution, please contact us.)

Daylight Saving Time will return at 2:00 a.m. on March 14, 2021.



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The information contained in this HCM Insights is not intended to be legal, accounting, or other professional advice, nor are these comments directed to specific situations. This information is provided as general guidance and may be affected by changes in law or regulation. This information is not intended to replace or substitute for accounting or other professional advice. You must consult your own attorney or tax advisor for assistance in specific situations. This information is provided as-is, with no warranties of any kind. CBIZ shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever in connection with its use and assumes no obligation to inform the reader of any changes in laws or other factors that could affect the information contained herein.