2021 - What Retirement Plan Sponsors Need to Know for the Year Ahead

The SECURE Act of 2019 introduced significant legislation intended to expand Americans' ability to save for retirement. Many provisions in the Act became effective in 2020 with others taking effect in 2021 and later. The events of 2020, which required their own retirement plan legislation to provide relief to plan sponsors and participants, have stolen some of the spotlight and focus from the SECURE Act. This session will focus on revisiting changes brought about by the SECURE Act and other items that plan sponsors should be aware of for 2021.

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2021 - What Retirement Plan Sponsors Need to Know for the Year Ahead

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2021 - What Retirement Plan Sponsors Need to Know for the Year AheadThis session will focus on revisiting changes brought about by the SECURE Act and other items that plan sponsors should be aware of for 2021.This session will focus on revisiting changes brought about by the SECURE Act and other items that plan sponsors should be aware of for 2021.2021-01-20T22:00:00-05:00NoneRetirement Plan ServicesYeshttps://www2.www.cbiz.com/l/42462/2021-01-04/dzz6kw