Wellbeing Insights February 2022 (newsletter)

If your 2022 resolutions include financial fitness, be sure to check out this month’s issue which offers tips on successful financial goal setting. We also cover how to establish a family meeting routine, the basics of dry needling and acupuncture (two trending wellness treatments) and a fresh mantra that is sure to give you a mental boost.

Please check out our Wellbeing Consulting page and contact us if we can help.

Wellbeing Insights - February 2022 (newsletter)https://www.cbiz.com/Portals/0/Wellbeing/Wellbeing_Insights_winter_header.jpg?ver=FeNZ8WmX3MFcueim8oAyFQ%3d%3dhttps://www.cbiz.com/Portals/0/Wellbeing/wellbeing_insights_feb_2022_thumb.jpg?ver=QkbQrBuzoMcnACJtngfW8w%3d%3dIf your 2022 resolutions include financial fitness, be sure to check out this month’s issue which offers tips on successful financial goal setting. We also cover how to establish a family meeting routine, the basics of dry needling and acupuncture (two trending wellness treatments) and a fresh mantra that is sure to give you a mental boost. 2022-01-13T20:00:00-05:00Employee ManagementEmployee WellbeingYes

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