Q1 2023 Quarterly M&A Market Update

Q1 2023 Quarterly M&A Market Update

Private equity deal count and value have been largely unaffected in the last quarter, despite uncertainty in the banking system, which has caused upheaval in the venture capital, public equity, and fixed income markets. While down from record levels in 2021, Q1 2023 deal activity continues to trend well above the FY19 pre-COVID averages of approximately 1,500 deals and roughly $190 billion quarterly deal value. Click below to read more of CBIZ Private Equity Advisory's thoughts on the private equity environment and deal market in our Q1 2023 M&A Market Update.

Click here to download our full Q1 2023 M&A Update

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Q1 2023 Quarterly M&A Market Updatehttps://www.cbiz.com/Portals/0/Images/Q1-MA-CBIZ.jpg?ver=2021-04-27-154524-090CBIZ Private Equity Advisory's thoughts on private equity and the deal market in Q1 2023.2023-05-03T17:00:00-05:00

CBIZ Private Equity Advisory's thoughts on private equity and the deal market in Q1 2023.

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