Cybersecurity & Privacy Resource Library

Cybersecurity & Privacy Resource Library

As our reliance on digital devices and online services grows, so does the need for strong cybersecurity measures. CFOs are increasingly part of their organization’s risk tolerance conversations, and so it's more important than ever for CFOs to stay up-to-date on the latest cybersecurity threats and solutions. The articles below on cybersecurity and information security can help you do just that through a wide coverage of topics, from essential tips on protecting your company's data to the latest news on major data breaches.


Use this checklist as a guide to ensure effective and concise communication during and after a cybersecurity incident, helping to maintain clarity and control. Of course, this should be customized to fit the needs and structure of your organization.

Tips for evolving your cybersecurity strategy for 2021.

Organizations face growing threats of cyberattacks as technology continues to evolve. Being proactive about cybersecurity could help to reduce the risk of an attack.

Here’s how to prepare your response to an information security incident.

Findings from high profile data breaches, from the SolarWinds Hack to the attack on hotel chain Marriott, provide indicators of how malicious cyber actors can infiltrate an organization’s security protocol that your organization may find useful for planning. 

One of the most dangerous ways cybercriminals use social engineering to gain access to sensitive data, financial information, trade secrets, or other confidential material is through deepfake technology. Combatting this virtual trickery is challenging, but it can be done with the proper guidance and knowledge.

Vendors and customers are understandably concerned aboutIT security in our current environment of data leaks and cyber-attacks. One ofthe ways cybersecurity concern manifests for service organizations is throughinformation security questionnaires.

CFOs can help manage their risk protocol by reviewing the following areas.

Alpha numeric passwords may be cracked by unauthorized users, passwordless authentication may help.

Remote work highlights the importance of an information security model called Zero Trust.

Your company needs to be prepared for internal cybersecurity threats as well as the external.
As ransomware style attacks grow in frequency and magnitude, organizations need to be prepared for the new information security threats they face.