Liquidity Forecasting

Liquidity Forecasting

Liquidity Forecasting

Strategies for Time of Business Uncertainty

As you assess the variability in the current environment and plan for various scenarios, including the financial health of your portfolio companies, CBIZ CMF’s Business Considerations can help to minimize impacts on your businesses.

CBIZ CMF’s Performance Management, Performance Improvement, and Technology Continuity solutions provide an outlook to help you increase visibility, enable planning, and activate tactical, operational initiatives. We work side-by-side with you to make the tough calls, to act decisively, and to bring a dynamic contribution to fit the circumstances. 

Liquidity Forecasting:

CBIZ CMF can assist you by implementing quick and effective short term liquidity forecasting to proactively manage cash position as business trends change by:

  1. Building models based on up-to-date, detailed data and analytically backed assumption drivers.
  2. Incorporating dynamic modeling techniques to allow for easy scenario analysis (e.g., what if my top customers’ DSO increases by 10 days).
  3. Training your teams and establishing an efficient and automated process to roll-forward the models as frequently as desired (e.g., weekly, daily).

To learn more about how CBIZ CMF can help you and your portfolio companies during these uncertain times, please contact Kyle Ludwig at [email protected].


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