Join this brief webinar to see how organizations are mitigating healthcare costs and decreasing administrative burdens by integrating their benefits and payroll services. You’ll learn how the integration of benefits and payroll have evolved over the past decade and what you can do to identify the best combined solution for your organization.

This activity has been approved for 1 HR (General) recertification credit hour toward California, GPHR, HRBP, HRMP, PHR, and SPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute. The program ID number verifying completion of the webinar will be emailed after the session (please allow several days). NOTE: To ensure we can track your attendance so you receive the program ID, please register using your email address and sign in using that address on the day of the webinar. (If you are in a conference room and/or otherwise use someone else's sign-on information, your attendance will not be recorded and the program ID cannot be issued.) YOU MUST ATTEND THE WEBINAR FOR THE FULL HOUR TO RECEIVE THE PROGRAM ID. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit HRCI at www.hrci.org.